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SHe/HeR, 9th NoV '03, 17, SCoRP!o, iSFP-T, iDN/eNG

YaY !!

my ults, anime, 💛yellow!☀️, cartoon, chicken, listening to music, drawing, reading aus!, loud for YuGYeoM && YouNGJae

BYF !!

aHGaSe oNLY acc but accept all fandoms, curse often, keyboard smash, preferably use Gua/Lu, feel free to interact w/ me on rep or dm, BxG/BxB SH!PPeR but mostly 2YouNGDJ, 2Jae, and YuGBaM, BoYGRouP enthusiast

# NaY

gore, CLOWNS!(the literal clowns😭) TWs for these, but i'm pretty chill so it's okay if u happen to forget putting TWs

# DNFi

basic dfi criterias, HoMoPHoBeS, PRoBLeMaT!C, won't interact, anti of ANY groups, RaC!STS, iSLaMoPHoBiC

#GOT7: YuGYeoM & YouNGJae

#TBZ: SaNGYeoN, YouNGHooN, eRiC

#DAY6: WoNPiL & YouNG K

Hi !! How are you guys doing? for those who are reading this i would like to thank all of you for welcoming me and for being my friend/mutual❤️ I hope you guys are always happy and healthy. Don't forget to love yourself each day as much as you love GOT7 because you're a wonderful person❤️ Have a great day !!

## To. MooTS !!

I'm not only an Ahgase🤩
I'm also a Deobi (The B) and i have my own account for THE BOYZ😚 so if you're interested (and if you're a deobi) let's be friends there too !!
[tap the fat bird icon🤪]

- sincerely, Yum🔆